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  • Angular Development Best Practices To Follow

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    What is Angular

    Angular is an impressive framework providing several improvements over AngularJS. As an open-source JavaScript framework, Angular is widespread and is primarily used to develop single-page web applications with HTML, TypeScript, and Google's brainchild. The new and improved Angular is more efficient in core functionality and has different modules to support it. Angular is not only fast and smooth, but it also helps you create an external support system for your projects.

    Angular version 10

    The newest version of the Google-developed, TypeScript based framework, Angular 10, was released on 24th July 2020. This version enables developers to create rich, single-page applications easily. The newer version of tools on Angular 10 makes the development process for developers seamless. Here is a list of things that Angular version 10 has to offer:

    Language Service

    • The use of &, <, etc. has been removed from HTML with the help of the new version.
    • The Language Service compiler enables Typecheck files to create ScriptInfos in the project.
    • The in-house core functionality auto-completion holds a doubtful value and a performance cost that is possibly safeguarded.

    Default Browser Configuration

    • Several browser configurations have been updated for new projects to outdo less used browser configurations.
    • Disabling ES5 automatically builds side effects for new projects. All you need to do is add the browser to the browser list RC file.

    Angular Compatibility Compiler (ngcc)

    • This feature enables you to automatically update dependent libraries by CLI while developing an app in IVY.
    • A very few of the several dependencies installed help Angular developers catalyze the process in places imported to the application.

    Compiler Update

    • The compiler interface is an easy addition to wrap the actual ngstc in Angular version 10.
    • Compiler update enables Metadata to consist of Language Service, Information about dependents, and ng-content selectors.

    Practices worth considering in the Angular Development

    Prishusoft is Leading Angular development companies in India hire Angular developers who possess high experience value in performing best practices in large scale frameworks like Angular. Here we will discuss some of the best Angular development practices tested and tried and have worked exceptionally with different developer teams recently.

    Using Angular CLI for Structured Folder

    • Angular Command-Line Interface (CLI) is one of the most used elements when it comes to optimizing the accessibility of a web page. In other words, a common misconception is that CLI can only be used to create an application, but in reality, it can be used to test, scaffold, and deploy web pages effortlessly.
    • Professionals were tired of using JavaScript to create appropriate workplace folders to generate an application structure. Still, recently the application environment allows us to alter the application in the Angular platform.
    • Additionally, there is no longer the need to deal with JavaScript complications, and all it takes is a single command to build the application structure.
    • Angular CLI allows you to locate multiple modules in one location. The exciting aspect of using Angular CLI is that you can add several modules and features to create the application's initial structure. Adding a load of new files, services, and running end-to-end tests can enable Angular developers to quickly get rid of the disorganized way of app development and programming.
    • So, the best benefits of using Angular CLI are the development environment that does not allow any setbacks and will enable you to add new developers to the team at any time.

    Angular Coding Styles

    Although the standard coding style has become old fashioned, it is a fact that common coding styles make fellow developers very happy. This is basically for every core programming language developers have used over the years; the preference lies in the primary languages or styles. When we talk of Angular development, it does support the standard coding format. This compatibility ensures that your project consists of a clean coding style, which is not only simple but also easily understandable and adaptable for all developers in the team.

    What is considered standard coding?

    • The code must not exceed 400 lines per file.
    • The code must not exceed 75 lines per function.
    • It is essential to declare the 'const.'
    • Use Custom Prefix to share feature areas for all slider component.
    • Angular developers always ensure to leave a line gap between imports and modules which involve third-party and application imports and third-party modules, and custom modules.

    Angular in-app routing

    Routing is primarily used to handle navigation from one view to another. The single-page applications and web pages use this feature to hide options for specific parts of the display.

    We use simple codes to create modular routes, organize route guards, and lazy loading routes with preloads.

        const routs: Routes =[
        loadChildren"() => import('./categories/categories.module').then(m => m.CategoriesModule)

    Maintain Folder Structure

    Maintaining a proper folder structure is an integral part of angular development. This process is essential for creating folder structures in a way that is easily adaptable for all changes made during the development procedure. Example:

    |– modules
    |– home
    |– [+] components
    |– [+] pages
    |– home-routing.module.ts
    |– home.module.ts
    |– core
    |– [+] authentication
    |– [+] footer
    |– [+] guards
    |– [+] http
    |– [+] interceptors
    |– [+] mocks
    |– [+] services
    |– [+] header
    |– core.module.ts
    |– ensureModuleLoadedOnceGuard.ts
    |– logger.service.ts
    |– shared
    |– [+] components
    |– [+] directives
    |– [+] pipes
    |– [+] models
    |– [+] configs
    |– assets
    |– scss
    |– [+] partials
    |– _base.scss
    |– styles.scss

    Isolate API Hacks

    Not all APIs are invincible. Angular development experts have developed new logics to fix API bugs. In case you need to have hack components in the development stack, you can simply isolate them all in one place.

    When you have completed doing the necessary, you might wonder why you did it. By isolating all hack APIs, you are able to keep the hacks closer to the API where the network requests are made. This ensures the least amount of un-hacked code access and proper functioning of the API.

    Moreover, isolating all the hacks in one place makes it easy for the developers to find them while bug fixing.

    Change Detection Optimization

    While scaffolding a new angular development app, the change detector can seem to be speedy at first. If you happen to change the property value with a button click, you can view the updates in real-time without delay.

    On the other hand, the use of NgIf instead of CSS, DOM elements is not visible. In these cases, instead of hiding them with CSS, it is best to remove the DOM with the assistance of NgIf.

    Complicated calculations can be shifted to the ngDochecklifecycle hook, resulting in improved performance. With the help of the OnPush change detection, you are allowed to skip the entire change detection step.

    Skipping the change detection step on most applications prevents unexpected change detection steps, especially where they are not required.

    State Management

    In angular, State Management helps in managing the transition by storing the state of any form of data. There exist different state management libraries like NGRX, NGXS, Akita, etc., all with different states, purposes, and usage. Although, all state management libraries are good to use, NGXS is the preferred library for most developers that and have referred this as the most usable and easy to learn tool.

    Lazy Loading Feature Module

    Utilizing lazy load, the modules can enhance your productivity. Lazy load is a built in feature in Angular and helps developers with loading things which are required. When you are using a feature, it loads the components and other essentialities you require and stop the unnecessary files from loading. Using Lazy Load can help you decrease the size of the application by decreasing the loading of unnecessary files.

    Environment Variable

    Angular offers environment configuration to declare variables unique to each environment. The default environments are developed and produced. Angular also allows the addition of more environments and new variable to an existing environment file.

    // environment.ts environment variables
    export const environment = {
    production: false,
    apiEndpoint: '',
    googleMapKey: 'dev-google-map-key',
    sentry: 'dev-sentry-url' };
    // environment variables
    export const environment = {
    production: true,
    apiEndpoint: '',
    googleMapKey: 'prod-google-map-key',
    sentry: 'prod-sentry-url' };

    Breaking Down Components

    Since large components are difficult to debug, test and manage they are broken down into reusable smaller components to reduce duplication of the code, this helps in easy management, maintenance, and debugging codes with minimum effort.

    Use Index.ts

    Index.ts helps to keep all related things together so that developers do not have to be bothered about source file names. This also helps in reducing size of import statements.

    A simple example,

    /demos/index.ts is presented as 
    export * from './demo.model';
    export * from './demo.service';
    export { DemoComponent } from './demo.component';

    We can simply import all of these by using the source folder name.

    import { Demo, DemoService } from '../demoes'; // index is implied

    Avoid Logic in templates

    All template logics are extracted into components. This extraction helps to cover the case in a unit test and decrease bugs when there is a change in template.

    // template
    Status: Unavailable// component
    ngOnInit (): void {
    this.status = apiRes.status;
    // template
    Status: Unavailable// component
    ngOnInit (): void {
    this.status = apiRes.status;
    this.isUnavailable = this.status === 'inActive' || 'hold';


    Hope all above points helps a lot in angular development, Please contact us for any Angular development requirement.

    Prishusoft is always there to present to you the best possible solution at your demands and needs for proper and successful Web application development.